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Post by Guest »

Hello everyone!
Or should I say G'day, from Australia! :finger:

My name's Ange and I got the link to here from the IMBB. And I just wanted to say hello to you all, and tell you how excited I am right now, it's unbelievable!

I'm coming to Helsinki next year to see Iron Maiden!!!!!! :finger:
I just found out I have tickets for myself and my husband in section 120. I'm so excited I can't wait! It is the first time we will be leaving Australia, and the first time I will see Maiden live on stage. (my husband saw them here in Australia in '92) We're coming to Finland!!!! Hopefully I will be able to get tickets to the 2nd show as well, that would be FANTASTIC!

I hope I can learn some of your language by then.....lol.
Hope to meet some of you at the gig.

Post by Guest »

OK sorry, it appears I made a new thread. But I didn't mean to..... I couldn't understand the writing here because I only know English.
SORRY!!! :oops:

Post by Guest »

Welcome to the heavy metal capital of Europe and to the country where polar bears walk on the streets. :wink:

Remember to drink lots of finnish beer, raise some hell and enjoy the gig :finger:

Post by Guest »

Kilkenny wrote:Welcome to the heavy metal capital of Europe and to the country where polar bears walk on the streets. :wink:
Yes, welcome to our small country.
I doubt there's any polar bears in July, though. Even in these latitudes.

Post by Guest »

Welcome to the Finland and to the Heavy Metal Capital of Europe, hope you have good time here..

Post by Guest »

Thank you for such a warm welcome guys :)

Polar Bears walking in the streets!!!! :shock: :lol:

I can't wait to go there, I'll be counting the days.

Just a quick question....can anyone tell me what the weather will be like there in July? I mean, I know you'll be entering your Summer season, but what is the average temperature for that time of year?

Chicago Maiden Fan
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Post by Chicago Maiden Fan »

I'm from the United States, but nobody's perfect.
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Post by asa »

Anonymous wrote:

Just a quick question....can anyone tell me what the weather will be like there in July? I mean, I know you'll be entering your Summer season, but what is the average temperature for that time of year?
Finnish weather is quite unpredictable, but usually in july the temperature is +20-30 C, unless it´s a rainy day. In such case the temperature might be something around +15-20 C. So just put on your Maiden T-shirt and have a blast!

Post by Guest »

Cool..........thanks ASA

That sounds like Spring time in Australia

Missed out on getting tickets to the 2nd show today :cry:
But maybe I can get a couple while we're there??? I hope so. Maybe someone will have 2 spares on that night.

Now I just have to find cheap airfares and a hostel room to stay in. Wish me luck. :wink: :)
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Post by asa »

Usually there are a few people selling tickets outside Areena, but you have to be very careful that they are authentic!

Also you can find tickets for sale on finnish auction similar to EBAY, but at this point the tickets are very expensive. just ask if the seller would ship them to your country. Later on next year you can find tickets a bit cheaper if you´re lucky.


http://www.huuto.net/fi/showlist.php3?s ... t=0&num=50 (Direct link)

---> just use HAKU, and use key words such as IRON MAIDEN HARTWALL AREENA. Usually they tell wich seat is for sale or if you want to go to floor, search tickets sold as KENTTÄPAIKKA or KENTTÄLIPPU.

X KPL means how many tickets are for sale if there are more than one.

And if you have trouble understanding our beautiful language, just ask here and we´ll translate it to english as best as we can.

Post by Guest »

About the hotel in Helsinki....Maso posted these links in another topic:

http://www.holidaycityscan.com/helsinki ... links.html
http://www.freehotelsearch.com/internat ... otels.html

That should be good as a starter...

Welcome to Heavy Metal Capital by the way, remember to enjoy finnish summer (beautiful as fuck), drink good finnish beer ja bang your head in Iron Maiden concert!
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Post by enema »

Hello! I hope your have a very nice vacation in Finland.

Iron Maiden is propably the most popular heavy metal band in Finland, so were expecting a very loud and good gig. I think Maiden will put their best here.

And if the weather is good, there will be +30 or more.. Ice Cream and cold beer!

If you drink alcohol, Finland is your place. :)

Hope you´ll have very nice time here. Up The Irons my friend.

ps. By The Way, you should register your nick. Press "rekisteröidy" and write everything that is needed. Then they will send 2 e-mails to you, before you can Log In and start your rautaneito.com addiciton =)
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Post by poolrules »

enema wrote:And if the weather is good, there will be +30 or more...
That is quite improbable, 'cause highest temperature ever in Helsinki has been +31,6 C, in year 1945 :wink:.
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Post by MaidenOZ »

enema wrote:ps. By The Way, you should register your nick. Press "rekisteröidy" and write everything that is needed. Then they will send 2 e-mails to you, before you can Log In and start your rautaneito.com addiciton =)
Thank you enema :D that was going to be my next question "how do you register a nick here?" lol. But I finally worked it out after a while. My nick on IMBB is AngeFairy1 but I'm getting tired of that name, so now I'm using this one....lol
Now I can read the board in English, so I won't have any more problems making new threads, when I only meant to make a new post. :oops: :lol:

Thank you to everybody for all your helpful tips. I am getting quotes on airfares right now :shock: NOT cheap.....but Maiden are more than worth it. And I'm so happy because, I've always wanted to come to your part of Europe to see the Scandinavian countries, where my ancestors come from. So I will be getting the best of both worlds. 8) And I'm going to try and learn as much Finnish as I can before I get there. :)

I was just wondering if any of you know these hostels, and if you could tell me anything about them?
TT hostel apartments, Merimiehenkatu 41
Eurohostel, Linnankatu 9
Hostel Satakuntatalo, Lapinrinne 1 A
Hostel Lönnrot, Lönnrotinkatu 16

Sorry for asking so many questions, I am just so excited, and I want to learn everything I can.
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Post by MaidenOZ »

I just finally found out where my seats are for the 1st gig.

It's section 120, row 18, seats 9 & 10.


I had a look at the Hartwall Arena site and took the virtual tour of seats. It looks like we might have a good view from where we are. :D
Can anyone tell me...on the seating map, the blue section with the word LAVA written on it......what does this mean? Is this the stage area?

Anyone who may be a little confused with what I'm talking about, go to www.hartwall-areena.com, then click "arena facilities" at the top, then on the next page click "seats" link in the box on the right hand side, then on the next page, click the bottom square on left hand side which says, "take virtual presentation of seats"

Again, I'm sorry to keep asking all these questions :oops: I'm just very excited, I am leaving Australia for the very first time, and it's to see Iron Maiden in Helsinki!!! WOOO HOOOOO!!!!
Kapteeni Saigonissa
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Post by miinus »

Yeah, that´s the stage where the band is performing. Just keep asking if you have any questions. We are here to help you! I know I would keep questioning, if I was coming to Australia to see Maiden. Up the Irons!!
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Post by MaidenOZ »

WOW! Thank you Miinus, that was quick.... :lol:
I hope we get to meet up with some of you who are going. You could show us where the best pubs are to drink in....... :wink: :)
Kapteeni Saigonissa
Kapteeni Saigonissa
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Post by miinus »

Well, we have a meeting in Lapin Kulta Bar before the gig on 6.7.05, which is inside Hartwall- Arena. That´s a tradition for us. When you see guys who are wearing Rautaneito- shirts, just come to have a chat with us! Hope to see you there!! And if I do, I´ll buy you a beer! It´s always nice to meet foreign Maiden fans in Finland!
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Post by MaidenOZ »

I will definately see you guys there :wink:
I will probably be wearing our own Australian Maiden BB's t-shirt as well from downunderclansmen.com. I don't think anyone else from there is coming with us, so you will recognise it's me with that shirt on.

HAHAHA listen to us.....we already know what t-shirts we will be wearing 8 months from now! :lol:
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Post by ozz3 »

About the hostels you listed...

http://www.hostelseurope.com/hosteldeta ... umber=9486


http://www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetail ... Number=219

http://www.hostelz.com/display.php/1024 ... +L%F6nnrot

Hope this will help you..


Hostel Satakuntatalo has a free sauna, and every foreigner who's visitng in Finland has to take a sauna! I'm not you and i don't know your thoughts or needings but i would recommend Hostel Satakuntatalo!
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Post by MaidenOZ »

Thanks for the links there Ozz3, they were a great help :mrgreen:

Saw a funny thing on tv last night....
One of our most popular holiday & travel programs (it's called Getaway) here in Oz, did a segment on a driving tour through Scandinavia, and last night they just happened to be in..........Helsinki.... :D
My God the place looks beautiful. Anyway....

The reporter doing the show went around talking to lots of people and seeing the sights, (the strongest man in the world who can lift cars :shock: ) and he was invited to go along to the wedding reception of someone famous in your country. I think her name was "Inky" She's a tattooist. Well, you guys would know more than I. Anyway, it looked like everyone was having a great party. And we were laughing at how much it looked liked one of my brother's parties, with all the bikers & metalheads outside enjoying a drink. :lol:

Edit: I forgot to add....the reporter also went to a hockey game, which looked exactly like it was in Hartwall Areena. And he got to play goalie with them at practice :lol: This is getting too weird. There have been too many things lately which have been coincidence. I can't remember them all right now to tell you so you'll have to trust me :lol: But it seems like the heavens are conspiring to get me to Helsinki, that's for sure!

Even from that little bit we saw on tv, it looks to us like Finnish people and Australian people are very much alike (especially with the sense of humour) and enjoy a lot of the same things. So we might just find us a home away from home 8)
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Post by MaidenOZ »


I just found out today that I missed out on getting my tickets for the 2nd concert :cry: It took a long time to get this bad news.....

But at least my tickets for the 1st concert arrived this week WOO HOO!!! :D

HEY, if any of you guys out there know anyone who may have 2 spares for the 2nd night, PLEASE......PLEEEEEEASE, pass on my Email address to them?

How is everyone over here BTW? Anyone manage to get tix to Norway? :shock: OMG they sold out fast didn't they!!!
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Post by asa »

I´ll keep my eyes open and let you know if i can find any sparetickets. I´ve allready put an ad on your behalf to our selling topic Rautakauppa.

Viimeinen voitelija
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Post by ozz3 »

There are still couple of tickets in: http://www.ticketservicefinland.fi/Lippu.html

Those tickets are not to the floor, but if you can sit in a Iron Maiden concert you should be able to get ticket from there.

You can also try to find tickets from:
(can someone explain in english how to use this?)

Of course, there might be someone in rautaneito who has spare-ticket :wink:

Good Luck for ticket-hunting anyway...
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Post by MaidenOZ »


You guys are absolute legends!!!!

I don't know if you use that term in Finland but if not, it means YOU ROCK!!! :finger: :D

Thank you so much. Seriously, if any of you guys ever want to come to Australia and you need a favour, you know who to ask... :wink:
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