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Post by MaidenOZ »

OK It's about 4pm Monday back home here in Australia as I write this....We arrived home yesterday afternoon after leaving Helsinki on Friday..LONG TRIP!!!! :shock: Still very tired and sleeping lots, and finding a little bit weird to come home to people driving on the left hand side of the road and seeing lots of stars at night :lol: not to mention the cold weather. The sun is out but the temperature is only 16*C.

Anyway....I just wanted to jump on and tell you guys that we had an absolutely FANTASTIC time in and around Helsinki. We fell completely in love with the place and didn't want to come home. I would LOVE to live in Finland it was AWESOME!!! :finger:

We will definately be coming back as soon as possible that's for damn sure, and next time will bring more Aussie metalheads with us. As we suspected Finnish people and Australian people are very much alike. We have a similar sense of humour and relaxed lifestyle and we both enjoy our beer very very much. :lol: (we did see they sell Fosters in Finland, but think I should let you guys know..... it's our exported beer to the rest of the world but no one at home drinks it. :wink: ) We've been told apparently it tastes different overseas but never got around to testing that theory.

Funnily enough I was never a beer drinker before we came to Finland, but thanks to Olvi and Lapin Kulta, now I love the stuff. Brian, my hubby, is very happy... because now I'm a cheaper shout at the bar :lol: (Black Russians are a very expensive way to get drunk :wink: )

What can I say..... You guys have such an absolutely beautiful country, we were blown away the whole three weeks we were there. The whole place smelled like flowers when we got off the plane, and our hotel was in a perfect position. Surrounded by forest and just a short walk to the beach. 15 minute bus ride into the city. We couldn't have wished for a better spot.

We learnt some "Essential Suomi" for eg: PASKA!!!! :lol: and I don't know if I'm spelling this correctly but our new favourite word is Vetu!!! (correct me if I spelt that wrong someone :lol: )

We met many locals who were so friendly and we really enjoyed sharing a few beers and just chilling out in the beautiful sunshine. Saw some great Metal....more metal in 3 weeks than we would ever see here in Australia in a whole year!!!! I so want to move to your country man, lol we were even looking in the windows of real estate agents to see how much it would cost to buy a flat/apartment there. I don't know how we'd endure the winter time there though :shock: the coldest we get here in Melbourne in winter is about +3 degrees C and that's in the middle of the night when everyone's rugged up in bed anyway...during the day the coldest here would probably be about +12C, or up in the mountains where it snows about -5C. I can't even imagine what -30C would be like :shock:

Finnish women are all beautiful and the men :shock: GORGEOUS!!!!!!! When we first arrived we were a bit worried because everybody seemed to be staring at us, and we couldn't figure out what was wrong....until some girl at the Maiden after party came up to my hubby and asked if she could take a photo of his beard!!! :shock: :lol: and were later informed that a beard his size was a rare sight in Finland. :lol: so we understood then what all the staring was about hahaha :) BTW Asa, you are a fantastic drummer mate :wink: we were both REALLY impressed.

Everyone we've shown our photo's too so far have all said they now want to come to Finland as well, and we've made many a metalhead here in Australia jealous as all fuck for all the big name bands we got to see in such a short space of time. Like I said I absolutely cannot wait to go back and next time we will stay for much longer so we can see more of the country, because there was so much we missed out on seeing. This time round we came for the metal :finger: We managed to take in a few sights like Suomenlinna, and the zoo, the Cathedral, Senate Square and found some good bargains at the market....and a dinner cruise round the islands. Not to mention I think we just about walked the entire length and width of the city checking things out. Got lost a couple of times just exploring :lol: but it was no worry.

WE LOVED......ABSOLUTELY LOVED our stay in your beautiful country. So Helsinki....Kiitos for Olvi & Lapin Kulta, Karhu & Koff, Kiitos for Maiden & Black Sabbath, Kiitos for being such beautiful friendly people, and a great big Kiitos for TUSKA!!!! and a big loud
PERRRRRRKELE to all of you :wink: :finger: (and yes we bought the hoody :wink: )

Will stay in touch and I'm sorry we didn't get to officially meet any of you this time round, but we will be back for sure. And if any of you ever come to Australia just email me or whatever and we'll help you in any way we can :wink:
Much Love to you Helsinki and Espoo.
Thanks for having us
Ange & Brian
The Prisoner
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Post by The Prisoner »

Even if we didnt met while ya were here, I gotta say, VERY flattering words ya r writing! THX for your kind words! :)
Ya must save some money now because next summer it is Sauna Open Air and Tuska Open Air again... :P
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Post by asa »

MaidenOZ wrote:

and I don't know if I'm spelling this correctly but our new favourite word is Vetu!!! (correct me if I spelt that wrong someone
The correct spelling is VITTU, but your version was understandable too :D

MaidenOZ wrote:
BTW Asa, you are a fantastic drummer mate :wink: we were both REALLY impressed.
Wow, cheers mate. I think I saw your husband many times around, or atleast someone with a massive and supercool beard. Wish to have similar some day.
I think I saw you guys at TUSKA also. How did you like Accept? I think it was one of the best shows I´ve ever been to.

Nice hearing that you had a great time here, it was very entertaining reading your story.

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Post by MaidenOZ »

ACCEPT were absolutely fantastic....and we got some really cool photos from our posi in front of the sound desk tent. Testament were great. And I am so spewing we were late getting tickets coz we missed out on the Friday. I heard Teräsbetoni played? Damn!!! I missed them :twisted: And Apocalyptica as well? DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!!!

I am so stoked at the moment though, we just got some great news....
Oh man, how happy am I right now :D

I have to tell you guys, I was so impressed with the metal scene in Finland it has inspired me to do something about promoting metal back here in Australia, and kickstart the scene again. I dunno how or where to even start...but I'll figure something out :wink: Come hell or high water I am gunna get this joint rockin' again, better than ever before :lol:

Got any suggestions? :shock:
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Post by asa »

Well Australia has already great underground bands such as Sadistik Exekution, Deströyer 666, Bestial Warlust, Gospel Of The Horns, Spear Of Longinus, Razor Of Occam, Cauldron Black Ram, Atomizer, Destruktor, Vomitor, Abyssic Hate, Abominator, Hobb's Angel Of Death, Slaughter Lord (R.I.P.), Mortal Sin + tons of more.

I think Aussie scene is as good as finnish scene, if not better.
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Post by MaidenOZ »

Here's the difference though Asa....

The gig at Tavastia on the Friday night of Tuska, had about as many people attending as we had down here recently for the ANTHRAX gig. :shock:
While we were in Helsinki, walking through that big store at Iso Omena,(forget what it's called, sorry. :oops: We have one similar here called Aldi and it has same kind of logo, except ours is a big A in the square and yours has a big K) anyway, the one where you can buy your food, beer, clothes, electrical goods etc etc.... And while wandering around we heard Rock In Rio played over the speakers.
Another time Brian was looking for a dunny in Stockman's and accidently got off at the wrong floor (ladies wear :lol: ) and heard Painkiller over the speakers.
Sitting down having a beer out the front of the Library and hearing metal over the stereo.
Getting the bus and hearing the bus driver listening to Metal.
That is just UNHEARD OF here in Australia. You guys even have an entire radio station dedicated to playing hard rock and heavy metal :o something we would KILL for down here.
The best we get is Number of the Beast was played on the "so called" rock station once in the last 12 months because they were doing a "top 1,000 songs of all time" type promo and ONE Iron Maiden song came in around the 600's. Or the alternative & community radio stations might have ONE 4 hour metal show on once a week in the wee early hours of the morning when most people are sleeping.
And the bands you mentioned unfortunately are so underground I didn't even know some of them were still going :lol: I haven't seen a Sadistik or Bestial gig in over 10 years. Same with Hobbs, the only way I knew they were still around is because one of our mates played guitar for them in Germany a few months back.
And the only time Mortal Sin ever play here is when they play support for the big international bands, which they have done for just about every international gig for the past 10 years. We've come to expect it now :lol: we hear an international act is coming, "Who's playing support?" someone asks "Mortal Sin, who else?" replies everyone who heard the question :lol:
Here's the unfortunate thing....our scene is so lacking here at the mo that all the bands here who wanna make a go of it, have to move overseas to do it,. It's the same deal with our big name actors, they all have to move to Hollywood to try and make it.
There is something seriously wrong with this country mate I tell ya.. :lol:
It's depressing. See why I wanna move to Finland? :lol:
Please...Somebody Help Us :oops:
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Post by asa »

Well it´s not that common that radio plays Maiden or other metal acts frequently. I noticed that before the concerts and on the day of the concerts Maiden was everywhere, a Music Store in Hellsinki was playing Visions of the Beast DVD on the screen and they played more Maiden on the radio than they usually do.

We don´t really have Metal Radio station here, I think you mean Radio City. They play only rock music, and occasionally they will play some classic metal, They don´t play contemporary metal or extreme metal at all.
I´d die for a real Heavy Metal radio station too.

As for the difference of our scenes, you may be right. Metal is now more popular in Finland than it has ever been. It´s a double edged sword, I´m happy that Metal is everywhere, but at the same time it´s too popular and it attracts people who shouldn´t be listening to metal at all. I mean those trendy kids who follows the trends and what is "hot" at the time.

I love metal and I LIVE metal, metal is my religion and my lifestyle. It´s NOT just music. DEATH TO FALSE METAL!
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Post by Hena` »

They don't play enough metal on Radio City, but we should be grateful about the little we get. I was in France this summer and spoke to couple of local metal fans (they were really into finnish bands like Nightwish and Bodom) well anyway, I asked that do they have many metal/rock radio channels in France and I was really surprised when they said that there are few but you can listen to them like only in Paris :shock: France is like one of the biggest countries in europe and one would think that they have like ten rock/metal channels, but no... So my point is that we should be grateful for Radio City and the
two-hour-once-a-week metal program Rautakanki!

Rock on! :finger:
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Post by MaidenOZ »

asa wrote:I love metal and I LIVE metal, metal is my religion and my lifestyle. It´s NOT just music. DEATH TO FALSE METAL!
Here Here!!! I'll drink to that...

Another thing that blew us away (we Aussie's are easily entertained :lol: ) we saw a little kid at one of the Maiden gigs... couldn't have been more than 10 years old, wearing a Motorhead shirt. No 10 year old here would even know who Motorhead was unless his dad was a huge fan.
You can bloody bet your bottom dollar he'd know who bands like Limp bloody Bizkit and Slipknot were though.
Sad isn't it. :cry:

Hena` wrote:Rock on! :finger:
Henry me mate :D how the hell are ya? (gawd I hope you're the same guy :lol: ) was just getting ready to email you...Sorry we missed ya this time round, but you can bet your socks off we'll be back. I hafta come and have a few Olvi's with you guys :wink:
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Post by Hena` »

Yep it's me :D Still haven't got back my phone and I'm starting to get really mad at Nokia, but besides that, I'm on holiday mode and enjoying the summer in Finland! You gotta write some kind of travel story about your trip up north! Well got to go, but I'll be sure to meet you next time you come here! :!:
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Post by Pentelesh »

Actually Radio City has been playing alot of "NWOBHM" kind of music recently, but still the main point is in the Rock(pop) music. And to be honest, I think metal is coming back from the underground in Finland again, and it still has not reached it top here. I think all hell is gonna break loose with finnish charts (about metal bands) within few years, and its gonna die again as fast as it did grow. Like With Korn and Limp Biskit('s) back in (hmmm) 1999 (?). A trend that has almost died. But still those who cheriss metal, wil never lose their "faith" :D Darn Im funny.

But I dont care that much, Maiden's still around, Helloween, Deathchain ( and few other my fav. bands are going to release new material. Going to be a great year.

May be reborn in flames, Heavy Metal till the end of days. or N07
Nurse Them Feed Them Kill Them
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Post by Pertti Keinonen »

Pentelesh wrote:I think metal is coming back from the underground in Finland again, and it still has not reached it top here. I think all hell is gonna break loose with finnish charts (about metal bands) within few years, and its gonna die again as fast as it did grow.
Metal ain´t underground nowdays in Finland, and that´s a fact. Do you really think that metal ain´t fucking popular in Finland at the moment? How are you gonna get better kind of metal summer; Slayer, Maiden, Sabbath, Dio, Megadeth, Twisted Sister, Alice Cooper, Rammstein etc. ?
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Post by UTI »

^That´s exactly what he means, that it is very popular at the moment. It just hasn´t reached it´s top yet.
KKK "kesä, kalja ja kalastus"
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Post by asa »

I think that metal´s at it´s peak at the moment, it´s only downhill from here. I can´t believe that metal could more popular than it already is.
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Post by Make#34 »

^^Jep and Mötley Crue is Big name too,who was here too!It was real Heavy Metal Summer here in Finland,and that`s very good thing the headbangers! :twisted:
Maiden Ukot nähty: -88, -90, -92, -95, -98, -03, -05, -05, (4x)-06, -07, (8x)-08, -09, (5x)-10, (13x)-11, (10x)-13 ja....jatkuu
Iron Constable
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Post by Iron Constable »

asa wrote:I think that metal´s at it´s peak at the moment, it´s only downhill from here. I can´t believe that metal could more popular than it already is.
That´s exactly my point of view too. Everything´s possible, but next summer will show, in which direction things are developing. There has never been as big crowds on Metal gigs than this summer. How about our own Nightwish selling out Hartwall Arena in about an hour. Unbelievable !!!
Nykyään melkein kaikki on jännää.
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Post by Hena` »

I agree with you, the long way down will start soon. But metal will always come back, it is here to stay! This year a lot of "wrong kind of people" have started to listen to metal just because it's popular at the moment. People used to make fun of me when I was at school because I listened to Maiden and all the other great metal bands around (of course I didn't care) But my point here is that the same guys that had called me satans worshipper and things like that, came to school next day wearing black and listening to Dimmu Borgir or stuff like that... They didn't even care about the music, they just listened it because it was popular at the moment... This is NOT the way to go, but the reality is that, the more there are metal fans in our country, the more the big bands come here to perform. I still wont thank the guys at my school, who listened to Maiden just because it was "cool" at the moment! Don't get me wrong, it is so great to see that some child is really into Maiden and all the other bands that I like, but you should listen to metal because of the music...
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Post by ozz3 »

Yeah, so far it has been hell of a metal-year for us and there still many bands to come, for example like Motörhead and Helloween.

Sad but true, there's a possibility for downhill but for bigger metal mania aswell. Personally, I hope that metal is here to stay.

And MaidenOZ, thanks for that great review :D I think I saw you and your husband couple of times in Helsinki, but being a shy-guy like me, I didn't dare to go and ask (but maybe next time 8) )

Great you had a good time in Finland!
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Post by Phantom »

Well to be honest, I don't really think this whole talk about metal being back at it's peak is true, it's just that metal music is very popular and commercial in Finland at the moment, hence there's a lot of bands touring here right now. There's always been good metal around and I'm sure there will be more in the future.
However, it's definitely a good thing that we get these big names like Maiden, Priest or Sabbath to play here.

MaidenOZ, it's nice to hear you enjoyed your stay here in Finland. I hope you'll be visiting us in the future too. 8)
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Post by MaidenOZ »

Such a shame they've been booked into such a small venue (only holds about 850 people :shock: ) But that's the Aussie tour promoters for ya...they've got absolutely NO CLUE how big the demand is down here. Both the Sydney & Melbourne shows were nearing sold out status on Wednesday, and the tix only went on sale Monday. And yet again....there has been NO PROMOTION of the gig, other than word of mouth from one metalhead to another. Still haven't seen any billboard posters about advertising the gig or where to buy tickets, anywhere. :? Imagine what the response would be if they actually put some money into PROMOTING?
It's giving me the shits so much I'm actually looking into starting a promotions business myself :wink:

WOW you guys enjoy the year you're much metal to see it's AWESOME
Only wish we could be there to enjoy it with you.
And yep we'll definately be back....I felt very "at home" over there :wink: And all you shy people :lol: next time if you see us, grab yourself a beer and come join us.... kinda have a favour to ask if anyone can be bothered :oops: I'm hanging know if Teräsbetoni are as Manowar as they sound? (currently listening to the album) :lol: If someone wants to take the time to translate the lyrics to one of their songs into english? I'd love you for it :lol:

Take care of yourselves guys
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Post by asa »

MaidenOZ wrote: I'm hanging know if Teräsbetoni are as Manowar as they sound? (currently listening to the album) :lol: If someone wants to take the time to translate the lyrics to one of their songs into english? I'd love you for it :lol:
I´d translate the lyrics for ya if I had them darling...

Teräsbetoni wants really bad to be Manowar, I´ve heard 2 songs from the and they both were ripped straight from Manowar´s backcataloque. It makes me angry and I really dispise them for not giving credit to Manowar in the songcredits. Teräsbetoni is a Bad joke if you ask me.

Here are the songtitles in english:

2. Don´t tell us
3. sky is forging fire
4. Strong as steel
5. An eye for an eye
6. Metalheart
7. female slave
8. To Tuonela (old finnish mytholgy, a place where the dead ends up)
9. Metaltruth
10. unvincible
11. the shadow of steel
12. Raise your chalices
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Post by Hena` »

Here are the lyrics for the song "Taivas lyö tulta/Sky strikes fire" in english...

Look up brothers, the time has come,
in front of us even the strongest isn’t powerful

Time stops and mountains move
we wont shake even it would rain fire.

The call of metal can be too much for the weak,
but not for those who have instincts of a warrior

Sky strikes fire above us,
the sound of truth echoes in the rocks.
The magic of the bloodoath will protect us,
the mark of metallic brotherhood!

Where ever we move we are seen,
honour and power make people te believe in us.
Trace of fire follows our great group,
the nature is on our side to back up the say:

The call of metal can be too much for the weak,
but not for those who have instincts of a warrior

Sky strikes fire above us,
the sound of truth echoes in the rocks.
The magic of the bloodoath will protect us,
the mark of metallic brotherhood!

Sky strikes fire above us,
the sound of truth echoes in the rocks

Sky strike fire above us,
the sound of truth echoes in the rocks
The magic of the bloodoath will protect us
the mark of metallic brotherhood!

Sky strikes fire above us!
Sky strikes fire above us!
The dream is true...
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Post by MaidenOZ »

Hena` wrote:The call of metal can be too much for the weak,
but not for those who have instincts of a warrior

The magic of the bloodoath will protect us
the mark of metallic brotherhood!
:shock: OMG how Manowar is that?!!! :lol:

Just poppin in to say Hi guys and hope you're all doin well. Weather's starting to warm up down here...had a few thunderstorms lately. Think it's gunna be a REAL hot summer this year :shock:

My god hasn't it been a full few weeks in Maiden world lately? :o
One thing's for sure...Ms Osbourne has made it extremely hard for herself to have any sort of credible career after this.

Managed to find a copy of Machine Men's Elegies in the shops today... I'm rapt...loven it :finger:
Did anyone go see em recently?

24 days left till we see Bodom yaaaayyyyyyy :finger: :D if we get some good photos I'll paste em up here somewhere. Assuming we can get a camera in which I don't see a problem with, the venue is actually really small. (The Tavastia club is bigger :shock:) so the photos should turn out pretty good.

Well, hope you're all safe and happy and healthy an all that...
Take are of yaselves won't ya :wink:
catch ya soon
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Post by MaidenOZ »

Hello my finnish friends :lol:
Well it's over...Children Of Bodom have left the country. Saw them here in Melbourne last night and it absolutely went off it's head!!!

Here's the review I posted on our Maiden forum
What a fuckin gig and a half mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
900 people at The Corner Hotel absolutely going off their fucking heads for the entire gig.

What were we?

There was a constant wave of people swaying this way and that, arms and legs flailing in the air.
I have pains in my body this morning where I didn't thik it waas possible to hurt.

Opening with HATE ME, the entire crowd went off it's nut. Twas a crush to take your breath away. Literally. If this was anyone's first time in a mosh pit I feel pity for them, they would've been terrified.

I took a backstep during the 3rd song (don't remember wot it was sorry) and stood up near the back in front of the sound desk where we were STILL being run into by the hundreds of Bodom fans goin off their fucking heads. Enjoyed my free space for a second during Sixpounder, then slowly moved my way back up the front.

Flippers and Storn were lucky enough to get right up the front against the rails and both of them came out at the end drenched in in sweat.
There's nothin like the smell of wet dog in a mosh pit man :lol:

Needled 24/7, Bodom Beach Terror, Everytime I Die, Bodom After Midnight, Follow The Reaper Hatecrew Deathroll, Children Of Bodom, Angels Don't Kill, Bed Of Razors...the list goes on, all the faves.

I am bruised, battered and hungover, but I had the fucking time of my life.

Our designated camera man tried his hardest to get some good photos, and when I work out how to get em on the puter I'll put some up. Unfortunately most of the shots appear to be just arms up in the air giving the metal salute :finger:

The lads in the band appeared to enjoy themselves, Alexi on many occaision mouthin the words "Thank You" to the crowd for their support and enthusiasm, and enjoying our signature VB stubby on stage.

Rest assured those of you who missed out they WILL be back on our shores in the future, and I will be there with bells on mate

By the way.....check out Perth band Pathogen they were bloody awesome as support. Back the local metal people, they need our loyal patronage. We shall get this country rocking again and metal shall reign SUPREME :finger: We shall send the top 40 crap back to hell where it belongs :lol:
So there you go folks. It was an awesome gig. Arch Enemy are next, tickets go on sale today, they're playing in November at a larger venue.
Can't wait for more metal, and at this point, we're thinking of coming back to Helsinki in summer 2007 and stay for a whole year maybe, we'll see what plans we can hatch :lol:

Take care folks, Stay Metal :finger:
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