Van Halen

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Mieluiten kuuntelen Halenit...

David Lee Roth kera
Sammy Hagar
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Re: Van Halen

Post by scorpions »

Tässä olisi tarjolla viimeisen Van Halen kiertueen rideri. ... alen1.html" onclick=";return false;

...Additionally, Diamond Dave's dwelling "SHOULD BE AS FAR AWAY FROM" dressing rooms occupied by bandmates Wolfgang, Alex, and Eddie Van Halen. The rider does not explain why Roth needed the separation, but considering his rocky history with the band, space is likely a good thing...

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Re: Van Halen

Post by Iron Constable »

^Mielenkiintoista luettavaa toi raideri. On pojilla tarkat vaatimukset. Hip hei, mäkin haluun rokkitähdex :D Mut hei, raskas työ, puitteet oltava kunnossa. Tosin yhtä raskasta, ellei raskaampaa se on niillä pikkubändeillä, jotka saavat takahuoneeseen hikisen kaljakorin. Ehkä :wink:
Nykyään melkein kaikki on jännää.
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Finnish Eddie »

Hmm tuleekohan se Euroopankin kiertue ensi vuonna? Olisihan se "once-in-lifetime" tyylinen kokemus nähdä Suomessakin(?) kun kerran Eddie ja Dave ovat taas sopineet välinsä... Vaikkapa Jätkäsaaressa :roll: ? No aika näyttää miten käy...
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Re: Van Halen

Post by tsorl »

Microsoft on julkaissut Songsmith-ohjelman, jolla voi luoda bulkkimusiikkia lauluraidan ympärille.

Netissä on myös kauan pyörinyt hulvaton David Lee Rothin lauluraita Runnin' With The Devil -biisistä.

Nämä kun yhdistetään niin tulee jotain ihan uskomatonta:
Runnin' With The Songsmith
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Bruusbruus »

Luin tuossa Ian Christen kirjan "Van Halen", jonka jälkeen piti taas palauttaa mieliin millaista musaa bändi parhaimmillaan eli David Lee Rothin aikana teki. Kuusi ekaa albumia on nyt jatkuvassa soitossa ja kyllä potkii. Eddie on väläyttänyt jossain vaiheessa tämän vuoden puolella että Van Halenit voisivat kenties tehdä uuttakin musiikkia Rothin kanssa, mutta saa nähdä. Olisihan tuo hienoa nähdä tämä klassinen kokoonpano livenäkin, mutta ei taida onnistua kun viime kiertuekin jäi vain Yhdysvaltoihin. Ei taida olla särmät niin paljon Eddiellä ja Rothilla hioutuneet, että pitempää kiertuetta kestäisivät toisiaan katsoa.
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Ironmaiden82 »

Kuten Aerosmithista, Metallicasta sekä The Beatlesista, niin myös Van Halen saa oman Guitar Hero pelinsä. Peli ilmestyy Amerikassa 22.12.2009 ja biisilista näyttää tältä

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Re: Van Halen

Post by IronBrother »

enpä Van Halenia paljoa kuuntele. muutama hyvä kappala, siihen se sitten loppuu.
Guitar Hero Iron Maidenille...? MILLOIN?
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Iivis »

^ Sanoppas muuta. Taitaa tuo Rockbandin SBIT-biisipaketti jäädä ainoaksi. Toivottavasti olen väärässä.
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Joonasmän »

Loistava bändi, aina ja ikuisesti. Van Halenia olen tosiaankin kuunnellut ahkerasti sen pari vuotta ja olen tullut siihen lopputulokseen että materiaaliltaan, lavashowltaan, biiseiltään ja albumikokonaisuuksiltaan parasta aikaa on ehdottomasti David Lee Rothin aikainen tuotanto.
Ei Hagarkaan huono ole, mutta Roth on sen luokan Showmies ettei tolkkuakaan.

Omistan VH:lta kaikki Rothin aikaiset vain, mutta joku päivä kyllä hyllyyn tulee loputkin albumit.

Haluan myös sanoa vielä Itse Eddie Van Halenista, että hän on top 5 listassani ehdottomasti ja
mies on ollut tärkeä vaikuttaja soittooni.
"Ei se ole siitä kiinni kuka haluaa maata kanssasi, vaan siitä kuka haluaa maata kanssasi uudelleen" - David Lee Roth
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Bruusbruus » ... he-rumors/" onclick=";return false;

Olispas hienoa jos ym. pitäisi paikkansa eli bändi astuisi tammikuussa -11 studioon Dave Leen kanssa ja jos hekumoimista saisi jatkaa, niin siitä sitten rundia pystyyn ja Eurooppaan kanssa. Van Halen Dave Leen kanssa kun on näkemättä ja olisipa hienoa nähdä bändi melkein klassisessa kokoonpanossaan.
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Re: Van Halen

Post by scorpions »

Eddie Van Halen Guitar Solo - MGM Arena 30/12/07" onclick=";return false;

^Herran jeesus, että on eddie soossissa tässä pätkässä, lievästi vaikuttaa sooloiluun :lol:
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Iron Constable »

^Ei kyllä perkele naurattanut, ihan hirveää katsella, kuinka mies tekee itsestään 110% pellen. Pitäisi olla alkolukko live-artisteillakin, ei he-le-vet-ti :cry:
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Iivis »

^^ Eikös se juuri noiden keikkojen aikoihin kirjautunut takasin katkolle. Ihan syystäkin.
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Bruusbruus »

Kyllähän Eddie varmasti keikkoja kännipäissään mokasi, mutta täytyy pistää tuohon näytille esimerkki siitä, että kyllä Van Halen edelleenkin, tai ainakin 2007 New Yorkissa rokkasi ... CE5BBF0284" onclick=";return false; ja tuo on myös mielibiisini bändin tuotannosta tällä hetkellä.
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Re: Van Halen

Post by scorpions »

Onkos kukaan vielä hommannut uutta Sammy Hagar kirjaa? Varmaan mielenkiintoista settiä mm. Van Halen ajoilta!


Tässä uudesta haastattelusta Hagarin humanoidi kokemuksista... 8)

SAMMY HAGAR Continues To Claim He Was Abducted By Aliens

According to The Pulse Of Radio, Sammy Hagar claims to have been abducted by aliens — multiple times. Hagar, who just published his memoir, "Red: My Uncensored Life In Rock", revealed to MTV Hive that he was first snatched by extra-terrestrials at four years old, recalling, "One time I saw what I considered to be, well, at the time I thought it was a car with no wheels. We lived out in the country and I saw this thing floating across a field, creating this big dust storm. I threw rocks at it. . . And I don't know what happened after that." When asked if he blacked out during the incident, Hagar said: "I guess. I just have no memory of it. And that wasn't a dream. It was during daylight."

He went on to describe another incident dealing with the spacemen, saying, "It was real, (aliens) were plugged into me. It was a download situation. This was long before computers or any kind of wireless. There weren't even wireless telephones. Looking back now, it was like, 'Fuck, they downloaded something into me!' Or they uploaded something from my brain, like an experiment."

In a 2002 interview with Guitar World magazine, Hagar said that he was a true believer of extraterrestrial life outside this planet and solar system as well as intelligent life observing humans in their everyday lives.

"It's been a long, long time, but back in about '68, in Fontana, California, I had this unbelievable experience that would take this whole interview to even go into," Hagar said. "But I'm a firm believer — have seen, have felt, have been contacted three or four different times. I have received information that has been valuable in my life from those people, and they have used me. I'm gonna sound like a complete nut here, but they have used me in an experimental fashion. The easiest way to put it is that they downloaded my brain information. When I was about 19 or 20, they downloaded everything that was in my head. And I caught 'em doin' it! I woke up in the middle of the night, thinkin', 'What's goin' on?' They were like, 'Oh, my god, he's waking up!' But this was all telepathy — there were no words being spoken. And as soon as I woke up — it was probably three o'clock in the morning — my whole room was so bright that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I was wide-awake, I could not move, eyes open, white room, they were still disconnecting — and when they did, it just went bang! Everything went back to normal, back to black. I was shaking, I almost passed out, I was sick to my stomach and almost had to throw up, it was so scary…"

He continued, "It sent me on a course of curiosity. I bought a telescope, and I started reading UFO books, and I just got into the whole thing. And since then, there have been three or four other contacts with the same group of people. I don't know who the fuck they are, but I've narrowed them down to a people called the Nine, who are called that because they're from the Ninth Dimension. I've named my publishing company the Nine Music after them. It's a crazy thing, man. But to me, anyone who thinks we're the only ones here, despite the vastness of the entire universe, is fucking crazy. Those people gotta be put away — not the guys having these contacts!"
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Iron Constable »

^ :shock:

What you have been taking and for how long 8)
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Joonasmän »

Jotkut teistä ovat varmasti ellei sitten suuri osa ole kuullut van halenin ex- jäsenistä ja muutamasta muusta kuuluisasta muusikosta koottu superbändi: chickenfoot

Tässä on yksi näytekappale bändiltä:
Tykkäsin kovasti kappaleesta ja hyvä että näistä kavereista on saatu koottua erittäin mukiin menevä kokoonpano.

Sammy Hagar
Joe Satriani
Michael Anthony
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"Ei se ole siitä kiinni kuka haluaa maata kanssasi, vaan siitä kuka haluaa maata kanssasi uudelleen" - David Lee Roth
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Finnish Eddie »

Juu Chickenfootin eka levy (toinen tulossa kuulemma tänä vuonna) ja Get Your Buzz On-dvd löytyy hyllystä. Etenkin dvdllä aika rento meininki lavalla äijillä :)... Hyvä keikka muuten ja hyvin kuvattukin.
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Joonasmän »

Tässä on Chickenfootin kotisivut (kannattaa katsoa uusin video, hauska haastattelu koko bändiltä). Veikkaan kesäksi uuden albumin ilmestyvän. Onko mistään lähteestä kukaan saanut vinkkia mikä voisi olla tulevan albumin nimi?
"Ei se ole siitä kiinni kuka haluaa maata kanssasi, vaan siitä kuka haluaa maata kanssasi uudelleen" - David Lee Roth
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Re: Van Halen

Post by scorpions »

Aikamoinen lista, jos pitää paikkansa!


In a brand new interview with, legendary rocker Sammy Hagar was asked how he decides what bands he should join and which bands to avoid. "I was asked at one time to be in MÖTLEY CRÜE," he replied. "I was asked at one time to be in PANTERA by their managers. I was asked to be in VELVET REVOLVER when Scott Weiland quit and went back to the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS. I was waiting to be asked to be in LED ZEPPELIN to say no, since they were the greatest band on earth and no could replace Robert Plant. I was asked to be in AEROSMITH and I said no. Certain bands and certain frontman singers are more difficult to replace than others. Steven Tyler and that band have stayed together for forty years and you don't to walk into something like that. They had one moment years ago, when they replaced Joe Perry, but it's still always been Steven at the front of AEROSMITH. You don't replace that. When I came into VAN HALEN, it was easy because Dave [Lee Roth] wasn't a great singer, but he was a good frontman. In those times, I was selling out the same arenas they were, so it was like the combination of two forces and it worked but it's a rare thing. We were all lucky that the fans accepted it and it got bigger. I would avoid bands that are going to break up pretty soon."

When asked how having a strong band behind him in VAN HALEN helped him establish his brand, Hagar said, "Certainly the exposure of a band like VAN HALEN for 10-11 years, we were one of the biggest bands in the world and walked out into sold out crowds every night. The way I dressed and presented myself, the fact that I wrote every lyric in that band, and every song I sang was pretty much exploiting who I am to the audience. The exposure of the band helped promote my tequila company. Lots of people are coming up with tequilas, but you're going to have to come up with 5-10 million dollars a year to promote to break a new brand. If you're not Sammy Hagar or someone on that level who can go out and promote it as part of your job, it's going to cost you a lot of money. If you're me, you don't have to spend a penny on it. I promoted it on tour, saving five million dollars and made money on my shows. It was a great crossover; rolling my brand into my business. It works the best when you're a real person, having a TV show like Jay Leno, or being a rock star playing for thousands of people every night. It's not cheap if you own what you're doing and it's all about you. If you're promoting someone else's product that way, you're cheap. A lot of celebrities endorse products that they don't give a crap about, just trying to pretend like it's theirs. That doesn't work so well. . . If you don't own it, and just endorse it, people can read through that and you become phony. The crazy thing about it is you're spending all that time for a small amount of money and it's their thing, and when they're done with you, they spit you out. That's the way the media is and the way most corporate people think. Probably, my guess is that it would be very hard for me to get an endorsement right now. I'm an aging rock star, over the hill, and they're looking for the young current guy. That's cool and all but it so much better than doing your own thing. It has more value. The biggest stars right now may not have longevity, like Charlie Sheen. If someone representing your brand does something like that, your brand goes down the toilet. It's much better to leave that complicated thing out and start your own business."

Read the entire interview at
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Re: Van Halen

Post by scorpions »

Ai niin. Jos Osama Bin Laden, niin mikset sinäkin!

Tätä kasarirockbändiä Osama bin Laden fanitti

Sunnuntaina surmatun terroristijohtaja Osama bin Ladenin musiikkimaku on varsin yllättävä. Guardian-lehden mukaan mies piti kovasti muun muassa Van Halen -yhtyeestä.
Osama bin Ladenin haaremiin kuuluneen runoilija Kola Boofin mukaan terroristijohtaja ilmoitti julkisesti "musiikin olevan saatanan keksintöä", mutta toteuttaneen siviilissä erilaisia periaatteita. Mies oli juhlissaan halunnut usein kuunnella erityisesti Van Halenia, myös jenkkiläinen B-52-yhtye oli kuulunut bileiden taustamusiikkivalintoihin..
Yksi bin Ladenin suurimmista ihailun kohteista kerrotaan olleen Whitney Houston, jota mies piti "maailman kauneimpana naisena. Bin Laden olisi halunnut tavata Houstonin ja tarinan mukaan jopa suunnitteli hankkivansa hänelle oman kartanon.

Lähde: Guardian
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Re: Van Halen

Post by scorpions »

Kyllä sieltä taitaa vaan vihdoin olla tulossa uutta Halenia loppuvuodesta!

Dear rabid Van Halen fans - if you are looking for a factually infallible, dead on, "here are the facts" news update....this ain't it!
But seriously, a news report that does fit that description isn't far away as David Lee Roth tells us to "Get Ready..." (" onclick=";return false;) and Van Halen actually open up a Facebook page (" onclick=";return false;). And Alter Bridge/Creed guitarist Mark Tremonti (friend of Wolfgang) starts yakking after sitting in on the trio of Van Halen's playing new songs live in the studio - reporting back that the band used ''old demos for inspiration for new material" ( ... 52379.html" onclick=";return false;).
Plus the band are also hitting to road for the first time since 2007 with dates in Australia in 10 weeks' time. So we know something's happening right?
Right! But when are we going to really hear something official and when will we hear the first new Van Halen material since 2004 and the first new album with David Lee Roth since 1983? Soon folks....

What we know is that the album is done and mixed...John Shanks finishing production work on it earlier this year (with other producer names likely to appear inside the album credits.) The rumoured album title is VH '11, 2011 (or Two Zero One One to be precise) and all rumours point to a mid/late September release.
A single was again rumoured to hit airwaves this weekend, but failed to happen.
What I have previously stated is that I personally believe the new album will be released in October, after Van Halen return home from Australia and a single could likely appear late this month or in August.

I am hoping to have some more precise information from a source close to official goings on later this week. Stay tuned...

But in the meantime, I was contacted last week by an anonymous source with a summary of rumours and "inside" information they happened to be privy to. Ok....due to the demand from fans wanting to hear about anything Van Halen related to keep them busy while counting down the seconds to hell freezing over (the new album appearing in store), here is a summary of the information I was sent.
This is certainly not being printed as gospel or fact, but merely as yet another in the series of much loved Van Halen Rumor Reports that have been printed over the last decade of this band's colourful history. So with that disclaimer in goes folks....


- Eddie Van Halen was apparently prepared to tour again with no new album, reluctant to produce new songs. David Lee Roth and especially Wolfgang Van Halen wanted to record new tracks. Wolfgang Van Halen finally convinced his father that he didn't want to go out on tour to replace Michael Anthony, with no new material and without David Lee Roth's input.

- It is suggested that the music was the main thing in EVH's mind and David Lee Roth was asked only to contribute lyrics.

- Seventeen songs were prepared in demo form. One was an instrumental. Fourteen songs were properly recorded. This includes the instrumental. A couple of tracks are likely to be held over as bonus tracks for various uses. Management are currently negotiating with specialist retailers for a deal to release the album, with these bonus tracks possible to make an appearance if an agreement is reached.
- Because of distributing/promotion matters, the release date of first single is still up in the air, although it will (apparently) 'definitely' happen no later than 2nd week of August. The album is expected to be ready to ship in September. [I still say October...].
- Only two tracks feature keyboards of any type. One is the instrumental which briefly features piano. The other features keyboards in the intro, and 'lightly' in the chorus.

- Although Wolfang Van Halen did not write any of the lyrics to the new album, he had a bass solo he was preparing that he titled "Hurricanes", for which David Lee Roth wrote lyrics with the same working title. It is unclear if this song will be included on the album, but it was recorded in demo-form.

- The album title has not been chosen at this point. Many rumours have surfaced... Two likely working titles may be in the running which are "VH '11" and "Two Zero One One". Rumored titles that have not been officially dismissed by band members however are "Mammoth" and "Play".
This information has surfaced because of proposed artwork for the new album which at this point features a brown circle on a glass table with a silver and red Van Halen logo emblazoned upon it (the circle which looks like an M&M). There is a rumour that the brown circle is supposed to represent both the "Brown Sound" of Van Halen and also the infamous M&M chocolate candy contract rider of years past. The proposed artwork does not show all edges of the circle due to a possible 'infringement' with the candy-maker. Rather the outer edges of the circle are 'cut-off' by the square-edged artwork. The reverse side of the album jacket features all four members standing by a garden like area shot in a sepia tone. This photo and others were taken in May on the grounds of Edward Van Halen's studio, 5150. Inner booklet/lyric sheets photos were also shot in and around 5150. [Not sure about this folks...but I guess we'll know soon enough...]

- Two songs recorded have been selected as singles. One song sounding like an early era Van Halen combination of "Beautiful Girls/Jamie's Crying", and the other song sounding more in the vein of "Unchained"/"Drop Dead Legs" (this one features a very lengthy guitar solo by comparison).

- Although no song titles are 'confirmed' at this point, some of the 'working' song titles were/are: "Hurricanes", "Stop Talking" (which is one of the possible first two singles), "Down This Road", and "Who's Looking Back At You?". Other titles have been mentioned, only these four keep resurfacing.

So what do you think folks? It could be a rather detailed exclusive inside look at what's to come...or...not! It's a fun read at very least and further heightens the anticipation of the album and official information. Information I'll do my best to bring forth ASAP. But until then, enjoy the speculation!
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Re: Van Halen

Post by scorpions »

VAN HALEN's New Album Is "Fucking Killer", Says SEVENDUST Drummer Morgan Rose

SEVENDUST drummer Morgan Rose has heard at least some of the upcoming new VAN HALEN album, and said, “It’s fucking killer. Eddie hasn’t sounded this good since Balance. Dave’s voice sounds great. Alex is absolutely bombastic.”

In's continuing Producer And Engineer series, Ross Hogarth took time out from the studio where he is currently working on the new Van Halen album, to speak to Joe Matera about his career, his secret to capturing great guitar tones and the digital vs. analog world of recording technology. An excerpt follows:

Q: You’re currently working with Van Halen on their new record?

A: "The whole Van Halen record has been recorded and we’re all excited. We have just started mixing the record. I’m really stoked about it, as it is the original band, Eddie and Alex with Wolf playing bass, and DAVID LEE ROTH singing, it’s the killing side of Van Halen at the top of their game again with Diamond Dave, and the band on fire. ... _fire.html" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Van Halen

Post by scorpions »

Kaikkea sitä löytää kun netin ihmemaata tutkii!

Alta löytyvä olikin ihan uutta tietoa allekirjoittaneelle, varsin mielenkiintoista tekstiä kaikille Van Halen diggareille!!
Vuonna '96 alkoi kuulua huhuja uuden "Best of"-kokoelman julkaisemisesta ja siitä että David Lee Roth olisi palannut bändiin. Niin tapahtuikin, Dave palasi bändiin. Eddie puhui hänelle koko ajan vauvan askeleista, asiasta kerrallaan, välillä suuttuen esimerkiksi Daven halusta reenata vanhoja biisejä. Daven ääni ei ollut parhaassa iskussa heidän äänittäessään kaksi uutta biisiä "Me wise magic" ja "Can't get this stuff no more" joista molemmat olivat kaikesta huolimatta loistavia biisejä. Oli myös huhuja siitä että Eddie olisi jo samaan aikaan palkannut uuden laulajan, neljännen laulajan vaikka vakuutteli Davelle kaiken olevan vielä auki. Bändin tehdessä yllätysesiintymisen MTV:n Music Awardseissa he saivat standing ovationit-väki tiesi että taika ei häviäisi koskaan. Lehdistöitilaisuudessa Eddie kuitenkin hiljensi teltan ärjyessään lehdistölle aikovansa lonkkaleikkaukseen sen sijaan että olisi vastannut kysymyksiin mahdollisesta kiertueesta levynjulkaisun jälkeen - se olisi ollut huippumenestys.

Kun Me wise magicin videota oli tarkoitus kuvata niin että muu bändi olisi soittanut Daven ollessa vain kuva screenillä bändin takana sai Dave tarpeekseen ja lähti uudestaan. Alkoi taas sota siitä kuka ei tullut toimeen kenen kanssa - totuus oli kuitenkin että VH:lla oli tosiaankin jo sopimus valmiina kolmannen laulajan kanssa! Tämä laulaja ei kuitenkaan ollut vielä Gary Cherone vain Mitch Malloy jonka Eddie ja tuottaja Desmond Child
bongasivat..." onclick=";return false;



Another very interesting thing happened while you were out of the limelight so to speak. The great Van Halen experience!!
How did you and Eddie Van Halen hook up?

A guy who worked for their management at the time used to be my road manager and he kept calling me and telling me they were going to fire Sammy and that I was going to be the next singer in Van Halen and he was calling and calling and finally I got annoyed by this and told him to stop and that I didn't think I was a good fit in VH and that if he was serious he should have Ed call me.
A week later Desmond Child calls me and says he has just left Ed's house and was writing with them and that they were talking about me and that they were watching my "Anything At All" video, and that he told them that I was perfect for them, and that they would be lucky to get me, and before I knew it, I was on a plane to LA. Ed did call, a bunch of times. He was great.

Things went so well, you actually recorded a demo with the guys - live in the studio. For the record! What tracks did you jam on?
Yes, it was Panama, Ain't Talking 'bout Love, Why Can't This Be Love, Don't Tell Me (What Love Can Do), Jump.

And what were you thinking while this was going on? Total disbelief?!!
LOL, it was very surreal. It was pretty cool. Valerie was very nice to me and Wolfy and I had a great connection. He just took to me right away. Ed was very taken with that as I recall, he told me I must be the guy cause his son loved me. It was cool. It was very nice. Ed is really a great guy, and so is Al and Mike. Ed was treating me like I was his best friend, his little brother. He still does most of the time. I miss him at the moment.
I have not talked to him in a while. I hope he is okay. He was very encouraging on this new record. I sent him You Lift Me, It's About Love, and Draw The Line and he called me while he was still listening to it and was very very excited and saying things that I couldn't believe. I can't really repeat them here without sounding like a total egotistic ass, so I will just say, he was very flattering.
I hung up and yelled at the top of my voice. That felt way better than when he told me I was in the band. I felt like he accepted me as a peer when he like my music.

I suppose I should tell of the moment when he told me I was in the band.....
On the 3rd day I was there, I got a call as I was staying in Ed's guest house. They told me they wanted me to be in the studio control room in 15 minutes.
I went up and sat there and waited, And a few minutes later, Ed walks in stops and says, "well, you are an amazing singer, you look great and you are one of the nicest guys I have ever met, we just talked it over and congratulations, you are in the band." he walks up to me, I stand up and he kisses me on both cheeks gives me a hug and turns and walks out of the room. I sit back down at the mixing board and say out loud, "I am in Van Halen, shit, now what"? I think I giggled a little in disbelief. It was a very strange moment.
So the unanimous verdict on Ray Danniels as a manager is shit to say the least, were you another victim of his control over the band at this stage?
Well, I am not positive as to what happened there, but Ray told me at first that no matter what happened, he wanted to manage me.
I already had a manager though. And he told me he wanted me in the band. I think it's best I reserve comment any further on that one.
I actually wrote Ray a letter, passing on the gig. It just didn't feel right to me at the time, what with all the MTV thing with Dave and all that.
They never told me they were doing that with Dave, and as far as I knew, I was pretty much in the band at that time. I knew they were going to audition Gary, but they told me they didn't really want to, cause they wanted me. And then I see them walk out on stage with Dave, I called Mike and told him that I thought it was a mistake and that they had just made it nearly impossible for ANY singer to come in and be successful cause now EVERYONE thought Dave was back.
I never heard back from them, and while I was waiting, I sat down and wrote a letter and had my manager send it up to Ray saying, thanks for the shot, but I am going to have to pass.
It wasn't an easy thing to do. I heard from Ed a few weeks later. I met Gary over the phone that day as well. Gary is a super nice guy. A real class act. I am very impressed with him as a person and would think he would be a very good friend to have.
We are not friends, I am just saying, there are not that many people you meet in life that are as gracious as Gary Cherone.

You did keep in contact with Eddie for a long while after this, but he wasn't happy at all with you when you recommended something to him was he....can you tell us what you said about what he needed to do for a vocalist?
Ed actually asked me what I thought, and I told him.......DAVE!
You need to get Dave back, and he raised his voice saying, "You know what happened and how he was such an ass and what he said to me and did to me, and you know how hard it was to get him to sing in the studio", and I said, but Ed, you had Dave singing Desmond Child songs.
Dave isn't that type of singer, you had him singing melodies he can't sing, and what you need to do is just let Dave be Dave. And then he got even louder and said that he wrote all those songs/melodies, and that Dave just wrote the lyrics and sang them. That's when I shut up. I love Ed, he has been like a big brother to me in a lot of ways. Who am I to upset him. But he did ask. And whatever happened with the Ed / Dave chemistry worked, and I just think that it will always work.
Even if Ed did write all the melodies, obviously they have the same vocal range and they are connected with that. It WORKS! At least it worked. I have never met Dave, but he doesn't seem THAT bad to me. I don't know, I just love Ed and I want what is best for him. If he doesn't want to work with Dave, then he shouldn't work with Dave. I mean, you wouldn't wish for your friend to be unhappy just because it will please the fans. Life is too short for that.
But he did ask, and I did say Dave. I guess at the end of the day, music isn't everything. And those guys have already given us a LOT of great music to listen to. Maybe that is enough?

How do you think Van Halen with Mitch Malloy as lead vocalist would have sounded?
Well, that's easy, all I have to do is go put in the tape and listen to it. :)
It sounds just like Van Halen with me singing. I had Asked Al on the first play back in the studio. I said, "what do you think?" "Does it sound strange hearing my voice over your music?", and he looked me right in the eye and said, "no, not at all, it sounds great"!

Everyone has opinions on the job Gary Cherone did as singer #3, what do you think alienated the fans so much?
The MTV thing. I just don't think the fans could get past that. I do think though that if they had had a hit like they did with Sammy that they would have had an easier time of it.
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Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2007 14:35
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Re: Van Halen

Post by Bruusbruus »" onclick=";return false;

Van Halen tekee viisi keikkaa Australiassa syys-/lokakuussa, että kyllä uutta levyä pukkaa Diamond Daven kanssa.
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