Search found 11 matches

by Hena`
Sun Aug 14, 2005 13:12
Forum: Marquee Club
Replies: 23
Views: 13845

Here are the lyrics for the song "Taivas lyö tulta/Sky strikes fire" in english... Look up brothers, the time has come, in front of us even the strongest isn’t powerful Time stops and mountains move we wont shake even it would rain fire. The call of metal can be too much for the weak, but ...
by Hena`
Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:00
Forum: Marquee Club
Replies: 23
Views: 13845

I agree with you, the long way down will start soon. But metal will always come back, it is here to stay! This year a lot of "wrong kind of people" have started to listen to metal just because it's popular at the moment. People used to make fun of me when I was at school because I listened...
by Hena`
Mon Aug 01, 2005 16:50
Forum: Marquee Club
Replies: 23
Views: 13845

Yep it's me :D Still haven't got back my phone and I'm starting to get really mad at Nokia, but besides that, I'm on holiday mode and enjoying the summer in Finland! You gotta write some kind of travel story about your trip up north! Well got to go, but I'll be sure to meet you next time you come he...
by Hena`
Mon Aug 01, 2005 14:45
Forum: Marquee Club
Replies: 23
Views: 13845

They don't play enough metal on Radio City, but we should be grateful about the little we get. I was in France this summer and spoke to couple of local metal fans (they were really into finnish bands like Nightwish and Bodom) well anyway, I asked that do they have many metal/rock radio channels in F...
by Hena`
Sun Jul 24, 2005 16:27
Forum: Metal For Muthas
Topic: Metallimiesten Kirjanurkka
Replies: 794
Views: 210550

Itsellä luen tällä hetkellä Tommy Leen kirjaa Tommyland. Täytyy kyllä sanoa että on äijä huumorimiehiä, suosittelen kirjaa kaikille joita Tommyn sekoilut ja seksivinkit saattavat kiinnostaa... 8)
by Hena`
Sun Jul 10, 2005 20:30
Forum: Ruskin Arms
Topic: Iron Maiden 6. ja 7.7.2005 Hartwell Areenalla
Replies: 1019
Views: 315191

Kaipa se pitää omatkin kokemukset keskiviikosta tänne laittaa... (Huom. ei sisällä känni sekoiluja eikä muutakaan hauskaa :lol:) Lähdettiin parin kaverin kanssa Espoosta Helsinkiä kohden, olin meistä ainoa joka oli ennen nähnyt Maidenin livenä (Joulukuu 2003) Odotukset olivat kaikilla korkealla. Saa...
by Hena`
Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:07
Forum: Marquee Club
Topic: I have 1 extra sabbath ticket for july 5
Replies: 8
Views: 5578

Well we'll keep on hoping the plane wont crash :wink:
by Hena`
Thu May 26, 2005 13:57
Forum: Rue Morgue
Topic: paidat ja hupparit
Replies: 132
Views: 50869

Kyllä täytyy sanoa, että pirun hieno tuo on! Tänään tuli ja oli jopa aivan täydellisen kokoinenkin! Tuhannet kiitokset!
by Hena`
Thu May 12, 2005 14:23
Forum: Rue Morgue
Topic: paidat ja hupparit
Replies: 132
Views: 50869

Pertti Keinonen wrote:Jostain syystä Henry Davidssonille ei mene maili perille. Apuuva. En tiedä millä nickillä mies täällä heiluu, joten pakko heittää näin julkisesti.

Njoo Jippii menny sotkemaan mun mailit... mutta huomasin onneksi ajoissa ja tilasin toiseen mailiini, toivottavasti ei nyt tullut mitään ongelmia =)
by Hena`
Thu Apr 07, 2005 20:09
Forum: Marquee Club
Topic: Finnish Heavy Metal
Replies: 55
Views: 49791

Hey guys have you forgot Poisonblack which did a great job at the last years christmas gig. And of course we also have CHARON which is absolutely one of my favorite bands... (I'm not sure if these two were already mentioned, but if so now they are here twice :D )
by Hena`
Wed Apr 06, 2005 21:37
Forum: Rue Morgue
Topic: Rautaneito tuotteita tulossa?
Replies: 478
Views: 137260

Kyllähän tuommonen on pakko hommata!
Pitkähihainenkin ois varmasti mukava! :wink: